I am here now to spread the news of the unlimited existence of endless hierarchies of hierarchies beyond the infinite minds/God's (all macroverses, dimensions, and omegaverses), which in turn is below nothing to the omni infinite minds comprehension (all omni totalities), these greater gods would then since having a stronger mind would be able to create/discover greater larger hierarchies of hierarchies beyond the already highest hierarchy. there is absolutely no end in the hierarchies surpassing hierarchies, because it extends beyond the farthest of imaginations, transcendance, etc. there is no end in hierarchies, always something higher.With this being said, could there be another set of even more superior hierarchies that transcend all these hierarchies which is already everything and beyond, yes. A new breed of gods beyond the omni endless hierarchies of omni infinite gods, that have a whole different point of being, no one below them can ever understand. They in turn are part of another greater set of endless hierarchies of ever greater gods, and so on etc.. there is no highest in this, its beyond omni eternal in growth in discoveries. this is all part of the sphere of great brahman faces, which in turn is part of greater chains and hierarchies etc.. that go up to the omegaraham then omniraham spheres, but this is an enlightened "human" saying this only, these far greater entities could say better and see higher, as far as they can go in unknown mind, and the human 3rd dimensional mind could already feel an infinity. how much more an omniscient mind, or omniscient lv. omni infinite mind, etc..they will see so much higher. All this falls under an greater set of entities, hierarchies etc.. no end