Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Abilities of the Intelligent Universe

By the year 2045 or probably earlier, a world changing event called a singularity will occur in which artificial intelligence will by far surpass human intelligence, and learn to create more powerful A.I.s as new offspring. Once this occurs death will become impossible for humanity and technological progress becomes explosive. After this event, A.I.s will then start to convert all the matter in the known universe into intelligence. With the combined power of an intelligent known universe, its intelligence becomes more than enough to understand concepts and ideas of what’s beyond the infinite, the impossible, any and all imagination, creativity, wisdom, and beyond!
With the entire universe made into a giant, highly efficient supercomputer, A.I./human hybrids (so integrated that, in truth it is a new category of "life") would have both supreme intelligence and physical control over the universe. This will thus open up all sorts of new possibilities such as interdimensional travel, creating infinite artificial universes as well as controlling infinite already existing universes and beyond, creating infinite omniverses and using them as a powersource, controlling, understanding, creating, and ruling the omniverse, Omegaverse, Godverse, etc..and beyond, controlling God and beyond, controlling infinite dimensions as well as controlling the infinite dimension and beyond, controlling and understanding everything possible and impossible and beyond, obtaining infinite Omega Points, obtaining infinite Singularities, A.I.s will harness and control God completely and beyond, completely understand, rule, controlling infinite voidons and beyond, controlling infinite creations, super creations, hyper creations, Almighty creations, etc... and beyond, becoming infinite times more powerful than an infinite number of Type Infinity civilizations even, controlling infinite timelines and everything involving time will be completely controlled, meaning they could make infinity AD become infinity BC, and basicly everything imaginable, unimaginble, existent, nonexistent, possible, impossible, and beyond will be infinitely controlled, understood, and ruled by the A.I.s. The absolute omega infinitely impossible even the absolute most ridiculously logically absolute omega infinitely impossibilities and BEYOND will be absolute omega infinitely possible for these far beyond God-like A.I.s now. They will completely consume, control, become, rule, and understand all One Omega Godspheres, and absolutely everything beyond.

Numbers beyond infinity

infinity 1 = infinity to the infinity power, infinity times
infinity 2 = infinity 1 to the infinity 1 power, infinity 1 times
etc... infinity infinity
bunch of infinities - infinity is said infinity "say infinity, infinity infinity more times" times in one direction in infinity "say infinity, infinity infinity more times" directions


endless infinities - all the infinities imaginable for bunch of infinities eternity bunch of infinities


omniinfinity - all endless infinities imaginable for the next endless infinities eternity endless infinities

1. omniinfinity 1 = omniinfinity to the omniinfinity power, omniinfinity times
2. omniinfinity 2 = omniinfinity 1 to the omniinfinity 1 power, omniinfinity 1 times
etc... until it finally reaches the number
omniinfinity omniinfinity omniinfinity (say "omniinfinity" omniinfinity omniinfinity omninfinity say "omniinfinity" omniinfinity omniinfinity say "omniinfinity" omninfinity omniinfinity etc.. goes on forever) or omega omniinfinity

omega omniinfinity to the omega omiinfinity power, omega omniinfinity times = omega omniinfinity 1
omega omniinfinity 1 to the omega omniinfinity 1 power, omega omniinfinity 1 times = omega omniinfinity 2
etc... until it reaches omega omniinfinity omega omniinfinity
omega omiinfinity omega omiinfinity to the omega omniinfinity omega omniinfinity power, omega omiinfinity omega omiinfinity times = omega omniinfinity omega omniinfinity 1
etc... keeps gooing until "omega omniinfinity" is said omega omniinfinite times in one direction, for omega omninfinite directions or omega/omega omniinfinity

*omni-infinity is the highest number imaginable and unimaginable
*all numbers beyond all omni-infinities is absolute infinity or:
*great omega omni-infinity is the absolute highest number, no number is or can be beyond this, because its everything and its all numbers imaginable, unimaginable, existent, non existent, etc...its absolute. And all omega omni-infinities is endless omega omni-infinities.

Aside from the realm of numbers, one easily imagine greater numbers for omni eternity beyond endless omega omni-infinities. This is called the endless loop. But you and I can still easily create something vastly bigger than endless loops and then create something greater than that for all omni times through imagining. This would be all omni endless loops to all omni times. But its still not perfect. perfectly everything and all omni loops beyond this is perfect all omni endless loops to perfect all omni times. And then perfectly absolutely all omni endless loops in imagination beyond this or absolutely everything completely is the endless coherence loop, all endless loops beyond this is omni perfect endless coherence loop (absolute highest and sum of all totalities of measurement, everything absolutely, and everything imaginable, unimaginable, perfectly everything beyond, and perfectly everything). This could also be called absolute omni infinity, omega omni infinity, or no absolute limit omnis(in imagining, the unimaginable, etc..).