Sunday, May 1, 2011


Theres a something, every mind in all The All Omega Ultimate Absolute Omnis, (human minds, alien minds, endless omega omni-infinities intelligent and wise minds, all total omniscient level minds, etc..) should know as a true fact, there is no such thing as an everything completely, rule: there is always something beyond. You can have infinite, infinitely intelligent minds, or even endless omega omni-infinities intelligent omega omni-creation computers, make up the most powerful well thought of theories and concepts, explaining whats truly everything, and will still fail. No one or Omni God even, can ever imagine or explain truly everything, because there is always something beyond no matter what. Its endless omega omni-infinites beyond imagination and even the unimaginable. There is always something beyond, even beyond all beyonds. This is called Omni/Beyonds.

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