Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Levels of professional performers

0. professional singers (ex.. broadway singers, university singing teachers, opera singers, glee singers, las vegas performers, can hit anywhere from octave 1 to 10 with ease with perfect pitch, tune, emotion, sound, etc.. and can manipulate their vocals at the same time)
1. super professional singers = singers who can hit anywhere from octave 1 to octave 250 perfectly with ease, and have perfect pitch, tune, emotion, sound, etc.. and can manipulate their vocals at the same time. They make professional singers look like dead matter in comparison. No human can reach the level of super professional singers because the human vocal chords are simply not good enough to handle the thing necessary to become it. Only aliens with much stonger vocal chords can be this.
2. super level 2 professional singers = make super professional singers dead matter in comparison
infinity. super level infinity professional singers. can hit anywhere from octave 1 to octave infinity with perfect ease, and have perfect pitch, tune, emotion, sound, etc..) and can manipulate their vocals at the same time

endless omega omni-infinities. super level endless omega omni-infinities professional singers = can hit anywhere from octave 1 to octave endless omega omni-infinities with perfect ease, and have perfect pitch, tune, emotion, sound, etc.. and can manipulate their vocal chords with ease

0. mega professional singers = make super lv. infinity professional singers dead matter in comparison
1. mega level 1 professional singers = make mega professional singers dead matter in compariosn


omega level endless omega omni-infinities professional singers, (the best singers imaginable)

professional dancers = can dance every dance move in world history with ease perfectly ex.. las vegas performers, broadway dancers, university dance teachers, circus performers, etc..)
super professional dancers = make professional dancers dead matter in comparison


omega professional level endless omega omni-infinities professional dancers

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