Friday, July 23, 2010

The Omega Omnisphere

The Omega Omnisphere is forever the largest thing ever conceptualized and imagined by man. It is absolutely everything imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, animate, inanimate, seen, unseen, written, unwritten, perceived, unperceived, said, unsaid, heard, unheard, read, unread, visible, invisible, stoppable, unstoppable etc... an omni-infinite number of other things, and absolutely everything beyond. The Omega Omnisphere is every alternate reality, every world, every multiverse, every omniverse, every Godverse, every force, every being, every endless chain, every endless hierarchy, every creation, every concept, every thought, every imagined thing, other words, just everything. Even other and all other concepts and ideas that involves being everything imaginable, unimaginable, etc.. similar and that have similarities to the Omega Omnisphere known as omnispheres, is all also part of the Omega Omnisphere. All omnispheres are part of the Omega Omnisphere. Its omni-infinite in size.

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