Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Endless Hierarchies of Deities

god -omega omni-infinity - absolutely omnipotent level omega omni-infinity, total omniscience level omega omni-infinity, total omnipresence (present everywhere in all omega omni-creation omega omni-infinities), creator and overseer of all omega omni-creation omega omni-infinities, is beyond omega omni-infinitely powerful, wise, intelligent, strong, knowleagdable, great, and sophisticated


god 1 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than all the gods below it.
god 2 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than god 1
god 3 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than god 2

etc.. keeps going until it reaches god omega omni-infinity which forms hierarchy -omega omni-infinity.
hierarchy 1 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than all hierarchies below it.
*etc.. keeps going until it reaches hierarchy omega omni-infinity
hierarchy omega omni-infinity 1 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than hierarchy omega omni-infinity

*etc.. keeps going until it reaches hierarchy omega omni-infinity, omega omni-infinity

*etc.. keeps going until "omega omni-infinity" is said omega omni-infinite times in one direction in omega omni-infinite directions from the word hierarchy or endless omega omni-infinities. All this forms the first hierarchy chain or hierarchy omega omni-infinite. Its called hierarchy -omega omni-infinite again because its the formation of a new succeeding hierarchy chain beyond the previous.
hierarchy 1 is omega omni-infinite times more powerful, sophisticated, wiser, intelligent, stronger, advanced, greater, and complex than hierarchy 0
*etc.. keeps going until it reaches hierarchy omega omni-infinity
*etc.. keeps going until "omega omni-infinity" is said omega omni-infinite times in one direction in omega omni-infinite directions from the word hierarchy (like in the formation of the first hierarchy chain). All this forms the second hierarchy chain.


If endless omega omni-infinities entities were to each discover endless omega omni-infinities hierarchy chains every 10^-omega omni-infinity for the next endless omega omni-infinite eternity omega omni-infinities would form the god chain -omega omni-infinity (new greater hierarchy)
etc... god chain endless omega omni-infinities


And absolutely all hierarchies of deities imaginable and unimaginable beyond this makes the endless hierarchies of deities

1 comment:

  1. Great concept.

    Congratulations Kevin.

    I'm looking for the same - The Ultimate Abstraction

    My goal is the creation of a new value system and this idea is the basis of.
