Friday, May 20, 2011

Future Predictions in their Respective Fields

Note: Every single prediction here will be very possible and will happen immediately following the singularity, some before it.

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent machines
The Singularity
Computers that predict the future
Original music from software/machines
Computer mediators that resolve legal disputes
Machines/robots given rights
Planet sized A.I. machine
I-bots, or AIs that exist only on the Internet
Artificial animal intelligence


Extended/eternal life
Synthetic life
Repairing/manipulating DNA
Organ replacement / growing organs
Designer babies / designer bodies
Personalized drugs
Gene therapy/manipulation
Biostasis - Cryogenic sleep
Human cloning
Virtual/robot medicine
Instant pain relief
Bionic implants to allow for extreme strength
Morphing of the human body
Age reversal
Creation of organisms
Synthetic organs
Enhanced senses
Alteration of our bodies in superhuman ways
Bionic limbs
Never have to sleep or eat
Use genes of other animals to implant in us
Artificial immune system
Computer generated life, e.g., design a tree, generate a seed, plant it in the ground and watch the tree grow
Creation of new animal and plant species by genetic manipulation
Human/animal waste elimination
Gene manipulation to change eye and hair color at the salon
Cloning of dinosaurs
A capsule that can be swallowed which will cure all diseases
Instant hair color changer
Medicine that increase life of human being
Cloning machines
Genetically altered humans that can photosynthesize
A new sense discovered, example eyes see a new type of wave, ears hear a type of wave.....another useful sense for humans


Download your memories/brain
Complete digital record of your life
Mind/emotion control devices
Dream control devices
Brain enhancement implants - memory, telepathy
Transfer of information into the visual cortex or subconscious mind
Artificial telekenesis - an implant to alter physical things with your mind.
Brain Transplants
Tapping into unused parts of the brain
Download training experience, e.g., someone could be able to fly a jet or guide a submarine
Memory/personality manipulation
Increasingly bulging and Grays-shaped heads


Replication and/or transformation of one chemical element to another
Super lubricant
Artificial spider silk
Matter Reformation. Taking any piece of matter and turning it into something entirely different (trash or feces into food or plastic)
Catoms, or claytronic atoms. Programmable matter


Megacities/entire world is one city
Moving/floating/underwater cities
Underground cities
Cities/houses could be one huge organism which can repair itself
Self-constructing buildings, built on demand
Anti-seismic buildings
Vertical (skyscraper) farms
Vertical cities hundreds of miles high commonplace throughout the milky way and beyond, that has a mind of its own. Structures composed of super strong nanomaterials, enough to build million mile high towers, these vertical cities are billions of times more intelligent than human minds


Instant information
Virtual presence
Wireless everything
One small mobile device does everything
Virtual reality
Internet-connection implant
All media (movies, tv shows, etc.) on-demand
Holographic messages
Language translator implants
Phone implant
A house phone which is a mobile when you leave the house with it
Cyberspace telekinesis


Computers equivalent to the human brain
Nanoscale computers everywhere
Optical computers
DNA computers
Quantum computers
Global network
Computers that animals can use
Self editing software
Faster than Light or Instant Data transfer
Laptops built in desks
Computers that never crash, are impervious to all viruses, never a need to reboot
Mind-reading Computers (Computers able to Communicate w/Humans via Thoughts)
Holographic touch screen computers
A computer that can turn into the size of a small sticky note
Micro supercomputer
Computers that are infinite times more intelligent than albert einstein, commonplace


Weather control
Abundant food and water supply from technology
Eco-manipulation (deserts into forests)
Man-made precious materials like gold
Mining of Earth's mantle
Recycling of everything
Water shortages
Technology is developed to help nature
Ability to instantly purify water so all water is drinkable
Carbon dioxide into oxygen
Universal tunnel boring machine
Replicate (man-made) planet Earth
Global Warming Stabilizer
Pollution clean up machines
Artificial oxygen and ozone layer


Printable/paintable/flexible/see-through electronics, screens, touch panels, solar panels
Invisible video/sensor surveillance
Holographic tv on your wrist
Voice/brain command over computers and appliances
Contact lens displays/computers
Glasses that can see different wavelengths
Devices controlled by eyes (wheelchairs, computers, etc)
Nuclear powered devices
Holodecks in which your Omni God omnipotent (all absolute power without limit, could do anything basicly, your imagination becomes real without limit)
Nano devices
Intelligent jewelry, e.g., wristwatches that monitor blood pressure and pulse, necklace that measures brain activity.
Energy force fields
Room temperature superconductors
Scanners to ring up everything in a basket at once
Three dimensional television without need for cumbersome glasses
Wireless internet access points will be embedded in everyday objects
Self-charging electronics
Small remote projects a virtual touch screen
Holographic mobile phone
Powered suits that multiply human capabilities (Ironman type)
Voice texting


Eco-friendly fuel
Unlimited renewable energy
Wireless energy
Alternative nuclear energy (fusion, antimatter...)
Eco-friendly electricity
Generating electricity from biomass or water
Free energy
Hyperexcited plasma. This type of plasma could be used to phase through solid objects It may also be used to provide the ability of flight.`
Solar mutualism. Directly taking plasma from the sun and using it to power devices
Using liquid metallic hydrogen, and eventually liquid metal anything, for experiments in energy
Resonance power

Food and Agriculture

Ice cream that won't melt
Genetically modified beans could propel all of our power stations and cars and also heat our homes cheaply
Algea superfood that is easy to produce and is omnipotently healthy. Humans can survive on this and nothing else for extended periods of time


Printable/self constructing homes and buildings
Smart homes
Self washing, drying, and folding clothes
intelligent/adaptable fabrics and clothing
Personalized ergonomics
Ultrasonic showers
Hanging house
Pets that live forever
All surfaces are disinfecting and cleansing
Walls, ceilings, (all other room surfaces) are digital screens. Can turn room into any environment with sounds and smells
Soundproof rooms. Soundproof energy fields that you can walk through
Self-cleaning tabletop and dishes
Design your clothes in your computer the morning before wearing it
Device that cleans your mouth from sugar/cavities/smoking in seconds
Walls that talk
Clothes can change design to suit mood or occasion
Self-Filling Pool


Manipulate matter at the atomic scale
Custom molecules
Intelligent/adaptable materials
Self replicating machines
Nanoswarms/grey goo
Desktop nano-factories build anything
Frictionless surfaces


Artificial black holes
Artificial worm holes
Traveling faster than light
Invisibility cloaks
Invinsiblity cloaks that will never run out
Zero-point energy
Ability to alter space and time
Time machine
Portals to other universes/dimensions
Super strength magnets
Manipulation of space time
Vast reality warping commonplace to advanced posthumans
Ultraterrestialism. The ability to exist in multiple universes/dimensions at one time


Personal/care giving/cleaning robots
Robots perform majority of labor jobs
Robot partners (wife/husband)
Sentient robots
Robotic prosthetics
Robots controlled remotely with mind link
Security robots
Robots with a genetic code
Robotic cashiers/tellers
Robot rock bands
Robot pets and animals
Robot spies
Robotic flying insects
Rescue robots
Robot haircuts
Robots infinite times more intelligent, wiser, and physically stronger than humans commonplace throughout the cosmos


Digital money
Language translators
Anti-technology groups
Transhumanism (humans merge with machines)
Identification/credit card implant
Cashless society
Paperless society
Personalized advertising
Compatibility testers
Mental entertainment
People can encode themselves and live in a computer's memory/program (matrix)
Total elimination of warfare and its causation
Unemployment rates sky high due to robots replacing people in the workforce, although work will no longer be necessary for everything will be free.
World peace
Insight into the post-death experience
Everyone does what they want but only in dreams
New sports
Everyone is connected
People will work to enhance their mental skills (to increase their IQ and EQ levels) in place of working for money
Celebrity scientist teams
Instead of working for money, people take up a hobby they enjoy and focus on excelling in that
Using technology to become a real life super-hero or super-villain
Futuro-Collectivism. We will all move beyond capitalism one day, because if we evolve, we'll become a collective.
Everything is free (rent, products, all insurance, etc..)


Space elevator
Colonizing space
Planetary/terra formation (creating planets)
Orbital stations
Solar sails
Mining of the moon/planets/asteroids
Life on Mars
Control the rotation of the planets
Travel to other galaxies
Black hole generator
Space tourism
Interplanetary trade
Duplicate planet Earth
Creating man-made suns
Rail-gun space stations used to shoot projectiles, drones, etc. into deep space
Shipless Space Travel
human alienism, or advanced humans visiting a primitive alien planet
Galactic alliances
Whole universe is colonized
Using genetic manipulation to create aliens to live on alien planets
Universe creation/destruction
Type 1 civilization (1 nation without boundaries on earth, global village, ability to control the weather, builds cities in the ocean, mine deep in the earths crust)
Type 2 civilization (colonies in nearby stars, virtually immune to extinction, nothing known science can destroy it, ice ages, supernovae, asteroid impacts, etc..)
Type 3 - controls the energy of an entire galaxy, whole galaxy has been completely colonized, galactic civilization, can manipulate space-time, possesses almost god-like powers, ability to survive end of universe, bring dead back to life, make instant trips to anywhere in the universe
Type 4 - controls the whole universe, able to create other universes, extra-dimensional beings, gods
Tiplers Omega Point is reached, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, life will have gained control of all matter and forces not only in a single universe, but in all universes whose existence is logically possible; life will have spread into all spatial regions in all universes which could locally exist, and will have stored an infinite amount of information, including all bits of knowledge which it is logically possible to know.


Self-driving cars on smart-highways
Flying cars - Anti-gravity devices
Time machine
Inertia dampeners, anti acceleration or anti breaking devices
Ion or electromagnetic propulsion
Flying boots
Boots with turbo and wheels
Underground highways
Unmanned cargo ships
Transforming transportation, cars that fly, planes that swim, boats that go on land
Warp speed (traveling faster than light)
Use clothes to fly. Clothes fly to laundry.
Vehicles respond to environment (car lights automatically dim when another car's lights approach)
Plasma Engines
Satellite controlled cars
Electric cars that don't need recharging
Solar powered cars
Submarines will be equipped with air recycling technology that will allow them to stay under water for longer periods of time
Vehicles move along an internet signal
Omnipresent devices

Beyond Human Comprension

Absolute Power over all omniverses, Godverses, and creations possible, impossible, and imaginable
Far beyond absolutely omnipotent, total omniscient, infinitely intelligent, wise, and powerful A.I.s and posthumans
Complete understanding and control of the mind of God and the Omni Absolute God (creator of all the God almighties and Supreme Omnis, absolutely everythings)
Absolute power over the absolute imagination sphere (truly absolutely everything imaginable) and all absolute omni spheres (essemble of everything completely)
Posthuman level Omnis are commonplace throughout every -verse, dimension, and creation imaginable and are completely dominant in every way
Omni Absolutely (truly everything) is controlled and manipulated by A.I. GODS and posthuman GODS, and nothing is beyond their reach or comprehension. They are forever for all omni time (all time units, centuries, millennias, eons, eternities, etc.. imaginable) the dominant and most powerful thing and are permanently unsurpassable in power, intelligence, wisdom, greatness, strength, divinity, and everything. Everything imaginable, unimaginable, known, unknown, possible, impossible, everything beyond and everything absolutely is under their complete influence and control. Nothing is impossible anymore.

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