Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Levels of Omnipotence

omnipotence = infinite power, intelligence, greatness, wisdom, knowledge, strenght, as well as an infinite number of other attributes (all the power at the infinite level) as well as power infinitely beyond, outside, and transcendent of space, time, and all knowledge and imagination of every force below it, almighty beings and humans for example. An example of an omnipotent being would be the God of monotheistic religions. Since the power of the christian God is omnipotent, it infinitely transcends and far surpasses everything thinkable by humans, time (exists beyond time and even controls it), science, philosophy, space, matter, as well as anything and everything of this omega omni creation etc.. (its races, imagination, knowledge, beings, etc.. everything), for omnipotent beings have control over whole omega omni creations etc.. but even this is nothing for outside concepts can fathom with ease, omnipotent beings such as absolutely omnipotent beings and higher entities along the first hierarchy of omnipotence.
absolutely omnipotent = absolute omni infinite times more powerful than omnipotence, creator of all omnipotent beings, the mother of these beings, able to do everything, even the logically impossible. Although it can do anything, it lacks the greater wisdom to understand the greater ones. This level of omnipotence is omega omni-infinitely nothing to greater things. We are just getting started.
A. omnipotent level -omega omni-infinity = omega omni-infinite times more powerful than A. omnipotence or absolutely omnipotent being.
etc.. A. omnipotent level -infinity, etc.. A. omnipotent level 0, etc.. all the way up the hierarchy to A. omnipotent level omega omni-infinity.
This is the first hierarchy out of an omega omni-infinite number of greater hierarchies beyond this, and the an omega omni-infinite number of greater hierarchies beyond this as well, etc.. since there is absolutely no end of hierarchies of omnipotence beyond even the omega omni-infinite hierarchy, ill just say all hierarchies of omnipotence imaginable and unimaginable beyond the omega omni-infinite hierarchy. All this makes the endless hierarchies of omnipotence.

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